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Enlaces para practicar INGLÉS y FRANCÉS




  1. Ordinary people tell their story
  2. Authors talk about their work
  3. Project Free TV
  4. Subtitled series, movies, etc.
  5. Music listening exercises
  6. Speeches, all in a speech bank
  7. Excellent Listening CyberLaboratory - all levels
  8. English Listening Skills and Activities-Effective Listening Practice
  9. VOA - News in Special English - read - listen & learn
  10. Listening Cyberlab: diferentes acentos y niveles, act. escritas
  11. Listen to songs and fill in the gaps - with answers
  12. Listen to songs, stories, features, poetry,...Excellent site
  13. Everyday English in Conversation: dialogues to listen to and read
  14. Excellent Listening lessons: intermediate level (Listen and Read+activities)
  15. Your online library (stories read) and language lab
  16. Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast (Listen and download mp3 files)
  17. Easy English Popdcasts
  18. General English podcasts to listen to and download (with scripts)
  19. What is a podcast? Podcast Resources
  20. Useful sites: classified & annotated links
  21. Grabaciones de historias con transcripción del texto
  22. new - englishyappr - Ver y aprender: videoclips en inglés, muchos de ellos gratuitos.
  23. new - videojug - Practica tu comprensión oral en inglés al tiempo que aprendes a hacer cosas prácticas.
  24. new - The Learning English Video Project - Serie documental de 7 videos sobre personas que aprenden inglés en diferentes partes del mundo.


  1. Ordinary people tell their story
  2. Authors talk about their work
  3. Project Free TV
  4. Subtitled series, movies, etc.
  5. Music listening exercises
  6. Speeches, all in a speech bank
  7. Excellent Listening CyberLaboratory - all levels
  8. English Listening Skills and Activities-Effective Listening Practice
  9. VOA - News in Special English - read - listen & learn
  10. Listening Cyberlab: diferentes acentos y niveles, act. escritas
  11. Listen to songs and fill in the gaps - with answers
  12. Listen to songs, stories, features, poetry,...Excellent site
  13. Everyday English in Conversation: dialogues to listen to and read
  14. Excellent Listening lessons: intermediate level (Listen and Read+activities)
  15. Your online library (stories read) and language lab
  16. Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast (Listen and download mp3 files)
  17. Easy English Popdcasts
  18. General English podcasts to listen to and download (with scripts)
  19. What is a podcast? Podcast Resources
  20. Useful sites: classified & annotated links
  21. Grabaciones de historias con transcripción del texto
  22. new - englishyappr - Ver y aprender: videoclips en inglés, muchos de ellos gratuitos.
  23. new - videojug - Practica tu comprensión oral en inglés al tiempo que aprendes a hacer cosas prácticas.
  24. new - The Learning English Video Project - Serie documental de 7 videos sobre personas que aprenden inglés en diferentes partes del mundo.


  1. Reading graded texts with quizzes and more!
  2. New Yorker: magazine with stories, articles,...
  3. Read short stories: crime, fiction, horror, ...
  4. Baje y suba libros, documentos, etc.
  5. Online Collection of Fables by Aesop (Fábulas de Esopo)
  6. Reading Online with English Dictionary
  7. Intermediate Reading- Vocabulary
  8. Interm-Advanced Reading Activities
  9. 100 free short English stories -listening, grammar, dictations,...
  10. Reading Comprehension texts, also audio
  11. Los Angeles Times - Children Reading Room
  12. Political satire in the US (advanced level)


  1. Online English Speaking Community
  2. Talk (type conversation) to an ESL tutor
  3. Speaking activities & Conversation topics
  4. A voice describes pictures in a museum
  5. Conversation questions for Conversation lessons
  6. Voice chat -download software
  7. They say They're Internet's best Voice Chat systems
  8. Free Language Exchange Network
  9. Splendid speaking
  10. Exchanging conversation online: Verbling
  11. new - Guía de conversación universitaria. Especialmente útil para estudiantes Erasmus o quien desee manejarel vocabulario que necesitan los estudiantes en un contexto internacional.


  1. Vocabulary interactive tests and exercises
  2. VoyCabulary makes the words on any webpage into links, so you can look them up with just a click--in a dictionary of your choice.
  3. Masión del Inglés - Vocabulary
  4. BBC- English In The News
  5. Lista de cosas interesantes para imprimir
  6. How do you remember...
  7. Vocabulary University
  8. BBC - English Grammar


  1. TranslateText to Speech, differ. accents
  2. Record your own voice and listen to it
  3. Tabla se símbolos fonéticos con apoyo audio
  4. British Council- pronunciation
  5. Pronunciation exercises in 13 lessons
  6. The BBC web for a better English Pronunciation
  7. Blog que enseña pronunciación con canciones
  8. Diccionario de pronunciación del inglés


Le web pour les étudiants de français 
Association de Professeurs de         Français de Catalogne 
Le Point du FLE 
Civilisation française 
Polar FLE 
French On line Grammar Quiz 
Le Cyber Prof de Français 
Le coin du Français
Les Olympiades du Français
Phonétique free
Phonétique française 
Lexique free 


Bonjour de France 
Chloé ou "Les aventures d’une Parisienne"
Canal rêve

Trésor de la langue française informatisé
Dictionnaire français de TV5
Dictionnaire de synonymes
Dictionnaire de synonymes de TV5

La grammaire interactive. Softissimo

La grammaire virtuelle
Le conjugueur
Le devoir conjugal

DELF /DALF /TCF (diplômes du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères)
DELF / DALF / TCF (diplômes du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères)

Voilà. Traducteur
La grammaire interactive. Softissimo
Quid on line

Le Monde
 Le Figaro
 Le Nouvel Observateur 
 Yahoo France Actualités 
 Yahoo France Actualités Insolite
Le petit journal 
Le Point
Le Monde Diplomatique
Le Petit Matin

Radio France Internationale 
 France Culture
 France Inter

 TV 5
 Télévision Suisse Romande 
 France 2